This jerky recipe is my good old standby, tried and true, a little sweet, a little salty and deliciously perfect in every way!
Everything Else
Sriracha Honey Beef Jerky
This jerky is my obsession! I love it so much, I keep the jerky jar full of this stuff and you will too.
Jeni’s Golden Milk Mix
Have you tried golden milk?? If you have pain and inflammation, don’t reach for the ibuprofen, give yourself nightly dose of golden milk!! If you want to know more about it, check out my video on YouTube! I will link it below.
Easy Spicy Garlic Horseradish Mustard For The Freezer!
This homemade mustard is easy to make and deliciously horseradishy!! Stir some into sour cream or heavy cream for a delicious sauce over fish, chicken or beef, stir some into a white sauce for pasta, mix with some mayo for sandwiches with zip!! This will store well in your freezer!
Beer Mustard for Canning
This homemade mustard is grainy, a little sweet, a hint of spice and super delicious!
Pie Crust
This Pie crust is amazing! My mom’s recipe and a must use for all things pie crust related!
Pickled Eggs & Sausage in Franks RedHot
These babies have a little kick but the flavor is amazing! These take snacking to a whole new level!
Thousand Island Dressing
Creamy and tangy! This is my Cheesecake Factory copy cat recipe and it is so good, I’d swim in it if I could! Yup….swim….I said it…. Yields 2 cups 1 1/2 Cup mayo 1/2 Cup ketchup 1/4 Cup dill pickle, chopped 2 Tbsp dried, minced onion 2 Tsp garlic powder […]
Amish Peanut Butter ~ Church Spread
If you grew up around Amish communites, there’s a good change you’ve had this before. It’s creamy, delious and unforgettable! Yields 1 3/4 cups 1 Cup corn syrup 1/2 Cup creamy peanut butter 1/4 cup marshmellow cream Mix it all together! Spead on bread, crackers, toast, pancakes, waffles, chocolate, cookies, […]
One thing to keep in mind when cooking from your pantry and what you have on hand is substitutions. We may not always want or have the “luxury” to run to the store. Keep this list handy! I have created recipe cards you can cut out and laminate to keep […]