Sweet, hot and delicious!
Jalapeno Jelly
Prep time
minutesCooking time
minutesProcessing time
minutesYields 6 half pints
1 lb 1 Jalapenos (wt before chopping)
3 cloves 3 Garlic, minced
2 cups 2 Apple cider vinegar
6 cups 6 Granulated sugar
1/2 tsp 1/2 Kosher salt
1 box 1 Powdered pectin
- Wash jars, lids and rings in hot soapy water. Fill water bath canner with water and add jars. Bring to a simmer and simmer jars 20 minutes.
- Cut, stem and seed jalapenos. Chop them fine in food processer with 1 cup vinegar.
- In a small bowl. mix 1 cup sugar and pectin, set aside.
- Add jalapeno mixture to large pot with the rest of the vinegar, garlic, salt and 5 cups sugar. Bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes. Then add pectin and sugar mix., bring back to a boil, boil 1 minute and check set with frozen spoons. If not set, add one tbsp pectin, boil one minute and check set again. Repeat process until jelly is set.
- Fill hot jars with jelly leaving 1/4 inch headspace, de-bubble, wipe rims and place on lids and rings fingertip tight. Add jars to simmering water bath canner.
- Process half pint and 4 oz jars for 10 minutes, adjusting by 5 minutes for your altitude.