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Baking, Breakfast & Brunch, Home

Topfengolatsche (Cheese Danish)

I have been making this family favorite for years! My family looks forward to this for holiday breakfasts and brunches. You can make these any size you like, I like to make mine into one large pastry that we can cut it. You can also leave out the golden raisins […]

Canning, Main Dish

Cabbage Roll Soup ~ Pressure Canned

This is a delicious soup and I always have it on my shelf. Great warm up dinner on cold nights! **Disclaimer…. This is NOT an approved recipe and is considered “Rebel” canning. I have checked my times with the website in order to can this. Do your own research […]

Halloween, Sips, Thanksgiving

Apple Pie Moonshine

This a festive and delicious cocktail that I make every year! Make this 2 months ahead of time and store it in mason jars and you are ready for autumnal festivities!! 64 oz Apple cider 64 oz Apple juice 1/2 Tsp Ground cinnamon 1/2 Tsp ground nutmeg 750 ml Everclear […]

Side Dishes

Mexican Corn In A Cup ~ Street Style!

Another no recipe, recipe! So much easier than eating it off the ear and you add lots of cheese and it wont fall off!! YUMMY!! Ears of corn (2 per person) Shuck the corn, remove silk, rinse them and take the corn of the cob. Add corn to boiling water […]

Home, Main Dish

BBQ Sundaes!

Yup, you heard it right! A super delicious and fun way to eat your bbq! This is a no recipe, recipe. Whether you are making this fresh or using your home canned goods, this is whole meal wrapping in one delicious sundae. Bottom of the dish is your mashed potatoes, […]

Home, Main Dish, Retro Recipes

Cabbage Rolls

A traditional fav! These are full of flavor and have a tangy sweet and sour sauce to boot! 1 Small to medium head of cabbage Core the cabbage and drop it in boiling water, turn off the heat and let sit for 10 minutes. Pull it out and drain it. […]

Side Dishes

German Style Red Cabbage With Apples

Cabbage is second only to the potato in my book! I love cabbage any way you make it and this is at the top of my list! 2 Tbsp bacon fat 1 Medium head red cabbage, sliced 1/4 inch thick 2 Apples, peeled and sliced 1 Sweet onion, sliced 1/2 […]