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Home, Main Dish, Retro Recipes

Cabbage Rolls

A traditional fav! These are full of flavor and have a tangy sweet and sour sauce to boot! 1 Small to medium head of cabbage Core the cabbage and drop it in boiling water, turn off the heat and let sit for 10 minutes. Pull it out and drain it. […]

Side Dishes

German Style Red Cabbage With Apples

Cabbage is second only to the potato in my book! I love cabbage any way you make it and this is at the top of my list! 2 Tbsp bacon fat 1 Medium head red cabbage, sliced 1/4 inch thick 2 Apples, peeled and sliced 1 Sweet onion, sliced 1/2 […]

Baking, Home, Retro Recipes

Chocolate Chip Icebox Cookies

An Archway copycat of sorts! I loved the Archway chocolate chip icebox cookies growing up and since they have been discontinued, I have been working on a copycat recipe. After lots of batches and a huge mess, here they are! They are super yummy and perfectly dunkable! Yields about 30 […]

Appetizers, Retro Recipes

Mini “Pizzas”

Here is a blast from the past for you! I have updated the recipe slightly adding more flavor. My husband adores these! 1 Loaf cocktail rye bread 1 lb Breakfast sausage 1 lb Ground beef 1 l lb Velveeta cheese, cubed 1 Large onion, chopped 1 Tsp garlic powder 1 […]

Everything Else

Orange Sauce

This sauce is delicious on muffins, quick breads, fruit and ice cream desserts, between the layers of cake, in fruit tarts…… I guess I find lots of uses for oranges when they are in abundance (Spring) where I live!