Slow Cooker Beef Bone Broth (Pressure Canning)

This is the easiest bone broth you will ever make!! Its is a delicious way to heal and is nutritious.

Ingredients and Variations

Ingredients: Beef marrow bones, Filtered water, fresh thyme, apple cider vinegar, salt and pepper.

Variations: Ox tail can be used as well as other assorted bones, onion skin, carrot peels and celery tops can be added for extra flavor and a deeper color, fresh rosemary, bay leaf or any other herb you like can be added for flavor. Apple cider vinegar is used here, but you can use your favorite vinegar instead (it IS needed to draw out the collagen).


Before you begin, be sure to do the safety checks on your canner per manufacturer instructions. Always inspect your jars for chips and cracks and wash all equipment needed for the canning project, in hot soapy water.

Be sure to check the recipe for recommended headspace and be accurate. This is important for shelf stability and safety. Consult the USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning and Preserving for more information.

Slow Cooker Beef Bone Broth (pressure Canning)

5 from 1 vote
Recipe by Jeni Gough Difficulty: Medium
Prep time


Processing time


Processing time


for pints
Processing time


minutes for quarts


pints or




  • 4 lbs 4 beef marrow bones

  • 4 qts 4 filtered water

  • 1/4 cup 1/4 Apple cider vinegar

  • 3 sprigs 3 fresh thyme

  • salt and pepper


  • Inspect jars for cracks and chips. Wash jars, lids and rings in hot, soapy water. Prepare pressure canner per canner instructions, filling with water. Bring canner to a low simmer
  • Heat oven to 375° Put bones in a single layer on a sheet pan sprinkle with a little salt and pepper.
    Roast bones for 1 hour at 375°.
  • After bones have been roasted, put them in an 8 qt slow cooker with water, vinegar and herbs. Set it on high for 1 hour then set to low for 23 hours.
  • After 24 hours, Strain broth, cover and refrigerate 24 hours to solidify fat.
    Add more water and run the bones for anther 24 hours.
  • The next day, remove fat and save for later use, put into a large pot and bring to a boil add in the next pot of bone broth as well, there should not be enough fat in the second bath to worry about.
  • Add kosher salt and pepper to taste into broth.
  • Fill hot jars with hot broth leaving 1-inch headspace. wipe rims, add lids and rings to fingertip tight and place directly into simmering pressure canner.
  • Process pints for 20 minutes and quarts for 25 minutes.

Recipe Video

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